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How to set boundaries as a Makeup Artist

How to set boundaries as a Makeup Artist

When you don’t have conventional office hours, setting boundaries as a makeup artist is key. Being self-employed means that you completely drive your own ship, so asserting how and when you want to work is entirely your responsibility. Being accessible around the clock is the fastest way to burn out, so here are our top tips. 

Set clear contact hours 

People often assume that because you’re self-employed - you should be available 24/7. As humans, we all need downtime in order to perform our best. When you get an inquiry, it can be so tempting to respond straight away in fear of losing work, but it's best to only respond during your specified work hours to avoid burning out. If you want to make people aware of your hours, put it in your instagram bio, email signature or even on your website. 

Remember your clients aren’t your friends 

It's so easy to get close to your clients and the people you work with, but remember that your relationship should be professional before anything. Whilst it may be tempting to overshare, always remember that you’re there to do a job first and foremost. Blurring the lines between business and friendship can go wrong and lead you to lose work. 

Agree on your role and responsibilities before you start working with a client 

This is when contracts are important. If you don’t put agreements in place, sometimes clients will try and get more out of you for the same fee. Whether that's asking you to do their hair, or asking for a more detailed eye look - this can eat into your time, resources and overall bottom line. Establishing your role early on will prevent this and help you avoid these situations.